a bare sword 意味

  • 抜き身の刀


  1. the autobiography of kikugoro mentioned that a man involved in play whose name was naosuke visited kikugoro to show nishiki-e (a color woodblock print ) drawn by kunisada utagawa which showed that kikugoro himself was disguised as bentenkozo stick a bare sword into a floor and drank sake , and kikugoro immediately asked shinshichi kawatake to adapt it .


        bare a sword:    抜刀する
        bare sword:    {名} : 抜き身の刀
        bare:     bare adj. 裸の. 【副詞】 His arms were quite bare. (袖なしシャツを着て, 腕まくりをして)彼の両腕は全くむき出しであった. 【+前置詞】 The hill is bare of trees. その山には木が全く生えていない walls bare of pictures 絵を取り去った壁. trees ba
        bare of:    ~がない
        a sword:    a sword 一口の剣 いっこうのけん
        sword:     sword n. 剣, 刀. 【動詞+】 They have beaten their swords into plowshares. 剣をすきに打ち変えた (cf. Isa. 2:4, Mic. 4:3) belt on one's sword 腰に刀をつる brandish a sword (おどすように)刀を振り回す carry a s
        the sword:    the sword 武力 ぶりょく
        at the bare idea of:    考えただけで
        at the bare mention of:    ~だけでも
        bare area:    裸地
        bare assed:    {形} :
        bare assertion:    裏付けのない主張{しゅちょう}
        bare board:    《コ》はだか基板{きばん}
        bare bones:    要点{ようてん}、最小限度{さいしょう げんど} I just want to know the bare bones of computers. コンピュータについて、最小限のことが知りたい。
        bare branches:    葉の落ちた枝


  1. "a bare lightbulb in a socket hanging from the ceiling" 意味
  2. "a bare mountain" 意味
  3. "a bare outline of his life" 意味
  4. "a bare plain" 意味
  5. "a bare possibility" 意味
  6. "a bare table" 意味
  7. "a bare tree" 意味
  8. "a bare-branched tree" 意味
  9. "a bareback rider" 意味
  10. "a bare plain" 意味
  11. "a bare possibility" 意味
  12. "a bare table" 意味
  13. "a bare tree" 意味

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